Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sara memorial video

There are backups of all of Sara and Emma's photos and videos, but you never know. I'm hooked on this YouTube thing and by putting clips up there, it's there forever.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


When we were out at Pasado's we were delighted to see the beautiful memorial for Sara. Before leaving we noticed a little garden bunny statue in the memorial garden. It was right across from the St. Francis statue memorial for Sara.

What's the big deal?

A few days after my father passed away, a bunny appeared in our driveway. It's pretty rare in Hawaii to see a loose bunny, especially one that simply sat there long enough for everyone to come out to see it. The same thing happened shortly after Sara passed away. My sister called me and said she came home from work to see a bunny sitting in the driveway just like when our father passed away. So when we saw the bunny statue across from Sara's memorial, we knew Sara was OK in heaven.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sara's Memorial at Pasado's Safe Haven

It's been a while since I last posted and the blog didn't work out the way I thought it would. But I think I'll start it up again with some thoughts about Sara and occassional add the details to her other conditions.

That's Emma, Sara's older step sister, sitting next to a memorial Saint Francis statue. We sponsored the statue at Pasado's Safe Haven, a local animal rescue and sanctuary organization. It's a beautiful memorial overlooking trees and mountains. Emma had fun that day, but boy was it hot.